Online OSCE Exam

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Books to Study for osce exam

Macleod clinical examination

Browse Surgical Examination

what is OSCE exam?

An OSCE exam is a common type of test that was first described in 1975 and is frequently used in the health sciences (such as medicine, physical therapy, nursing, pharmacy, and dentistry) to evaluate clinical skill(s) performance and competence (knowledge, skills, and attitudes), including communication, clinical examination, medical procedures/prescription, clinical decision-making, clinical thinking/reasoning, exercise prescription, joint mobilization/manipulation techniques, and interpretation

Ronald Harden, an emeritus professor of medical education at the University of Dundee, created the OSCE test in 1975. Assessment of clinical competence using objective structured examination is the title of a journal paper by Professor Harden that first presented it.

The OSCE is currently a widely used benchmark exam for higher education assessment.

What does OSCE stand for?

OSCE stands for Objective Structured Clinical Examination.

The advantage of OSCE exam.

We developed the structured clinical examination to address many of the drawbacks of the conventional clinical examination. Students in this activity move between a number of stations in the hospital ward. They are required to do a procedure, such as taking a patient’s history, performing a portion of a physical exam, or interpreting laboratory results in light of a patient’s problem, at one station, and then respond to questions about the results and their interpretation at the next station. Multiple-choice questions have a little cueing impact since the respondent cannot go back and check for errors. Examiners utilizing a check list may monitor and grade the pupils at various locations.

The variables and complexity of the examination can be more readily controlled, the objectives can be more precisely stated, and a wider range of the student’s knowledge can be examined in the structured clinical examination. The test is more impartial, and a marking scheme can be chosen in advance. The test yields better feedback for students and faculty.