
Ten teachers for Gynecology & Obstetrics PDF free download

The “Ten Teachers” series in Obstetrics and Gynecology represents a cornerstone resource for medical students, residents, and practitioners seeking comprehensive understanding and mastery of the field. The Ten Teachers book in Obstetrics and Gynecology distills complex concepts into digestible chapters, offering a blend of fundamental knowledge and clinical insights essential for effective patient care. Authored

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HIV vs. AIDS : Are they the same?

Both the illness and the diagnosis of HIV infection and AIDS are distinct from one another. HIV is a virus that targets the body’s immune system’s CD4 cells, a subset of white blood cells.   It reduces the body’s capacity to fend off disease and infection. Many viruses can be fought off by the body,

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Possible eye conditions associated with Crohn’s Disease

Crohn’s disease mostly affects the digestive system, but it can also affect other body regions, including the eyes. Because eye tissue resembles other tissues throughout the body, inflammatory illnesses can have a similar impact on it. One of the two main kinds of inflammatory bowel illness is Crohn’s disease (IBD). Ulcerative colitis is the alternative.

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Pancreas and Diabetes

The organ that makes insulin, the pancreas, is crucial in controlling blood glucose levels. When the pancreas does not produce any or enough insulin, type 1 diabetes results. When the body cannot properly utilise insulin, type 2 diabetes develops. We examine the pancreas’ role in diabetes in this article. We also discuss pancreas and other

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Can young people have Parkinson disease?

Parkinson’s disease in those under 50 years of age is referred to by doctors as having an early beginning. Parkinson’s disease with early onset can be a concerning diagnosis. The individual’s and their family’s quality of life may be greatly impacted in various circumstances. People with Parkinson’s disease are all affected differently, and others just

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Asthma and COVID-19 Association

A very contagious illness called COVID-19 is brought on by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. People with moderate to severe asthma who acquire COVID-19 may be at a higher risk of experiencing severe symptoms because the disease primarily affects the respiratory system. Asthma sufferers might be worried about how COVID-19 would impact them. Controlling the condition and

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