Computer eye strain : A modern-world issue

Computer eye strain is a problem that can result from spending too much time on screens. This is sometimes referred to as digital eye strain or computer vision syndrome. It happens because using displays puts a lot of strain on our eyes.

Many individuals gaze at their phones, tablets, computer screens, and televisions for extended periods of time. After all, many modern careers include spending several hours a day concentrating on screens.

In addition, a lot of people use TV or digital media to unwind after work. As a result, the eyes receive little relief.

Continue reading to find out more about the major causes, signs, and treatments for computer eye strain, as well as some exercises and remedies.

computer eye strain


Long-term viewing of digital screens might strain a person’s eyes more than usual. As a result of the strain on the eyes caused by this, visual issues may arise.

The American Optometric Association explains that reading printed words on a paper puts less strain on the eyes than viewing screens does.

This is partially due to the fact that many screen letters lack the clear definition of printed characters. Additionally, many displays have less contrast than a printed page, and thus are more susceptible to glare and reflection.

When reading words on a screen, all of this may cause the reader’s eyes to strain more than usual.

Computer eye strain can also be caused by other elements. For instance, some people view screens at unnatural angles and distances. Particularly if the person has underlying visual issues, this may result in the adoption of unpleasant and tense postures.

Additionally, according to one review, viewing screens causes people to blink far less frequently.

Blinking, however, is a crucial biological process that keeps the surface of the eyes lubricated and clean. This decrease in blinking may also be the cause of some computer eye strain symptoms.


The following are some of the most common symptoms of computer eye strain:

  • tired and strained eyes
  • eye discomfort
  • dry, irritated, or burning eyes
  • blurred vision when viewing screens or looking into the distance
  • difficulty refocusing the eyes
  • sensitivity to bright lights
  • headaches
  • neck and shoulder pain


Computer eye strain can be prevented and treated with the use of specific exercises.

For instance, the 20-20-20 rule is advised by the American Optometric Association. According to this guideline, for 20 minutes spent staring at a screen, you should gaze at anything 20 feet away for 20 seconds.

Here’s more information about the 20-20-20 rule.

Spending some time on additional eye focus exercises each day may also be beneficial. Try carefully shifting your attention between distant and nearby objects, for instance.

The figure eight is  another practice. In order to do this, you must stare at a floor area that is 8 feet away.

Some data points to the possibility that these activities could reduce computer eye strain. For instance, one study discovered that taking pauses from work to gaze at distant objects can dramatically lessen computer vision syndrome symptoms.

Blinking exercises have also been recommended by several scientists as a possible remedy for computer eye strain. For instance, some people might discover that returning to a normal blinking rate while staring at displays makes them feel better.