Emergency Wisdom Tooth Removal : Hurry Up And Go For It!

Are you experiencing gum and back of jaw pain? You might be developing a wisdom tooth, and if you ignore it, it might cause more harm than simply discomfort. You need to call a dentist right away because ignoring emergency wisdom tooth removal could seriously harm your health.

Fortunately, removing a wisdom teeth is never as painful as people think. We provide a guide with all the information you require about emergency wisdom tooth removal below.

Emergency wisdom tooth removal

Why wisdom tooth removal considered as an emergency?

Your wisdom teeth are located directly behind your jaw. Some people’s mouths aren’t big enough to accommodate them when they come through. As a result, they may sprout from the gums unevenly, pushing on neighboring teeth and the jaw.

An impacted wisdom tooth is one that is unable to emerge at all. Extreme discomfort may result from this, and the issue may not even be apparent. A stiff jaw, swollen gums, an infection, and shifting teeth can all be symptoms.

Signs of Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Impacted wisdom teeth can result in a number of unpleasant symptoms, such as:

  • Swollen and painful gums
  • Toothaches
  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Shifting teeth
  • Jaw pain 
  • Headaches
  • Infections

Before they start to erupt, wisdom teeth are not noticeable. It’s crucial to get X-rays every year, especially when you’re a teenager. They enable your dentist to keep track of the development of your wisdom teeth emergence.

Emergency wisdom tooth removal procedure

Fortunately, removing a wisdom teeth is an outpatient procedure. This implies that you can return home the same day. You can rest comfortably in your own house without having to stay over.

An oral cavity examination will be the first step in the procedure. An X-Ray will come next so the dentist can have a clearer look of the whole situation. After that, he ought to be aware of the most effective method for getting rid of your wisdom tooth.

You will then schedule a time to come back and have the tooth extracted. You might even be able to schedule an appointment for the same day, depending on how busy the operation is and how much pain you are experiencing.

You won’t experience any pain because the appointment will be performed under anesthetic. If a local or general anesthetic will be used, talk it over with your dentist. While the general will put you to sleep during the operation, the local will keep you awake.

You will gradually start to regain feeling as the anesthetic wears off. You will need to take care of the pain throughout this period, mainly at home. You could get edema.

Because of the anesthesia, you cannot drive following the procedure. Make sure you have a ride home lined up and a companion to go with you.

you can watch in the next video the emergency wisdom tooth procedure.

Recovery from extraction

The length of recovery entirely relies on the nature of the issue and the wisdom teeth operation you underwent. If the procedure went smoothly, you might even be able to get back to your regular schedule the following day. It is suggested that you make your trip last at least three or four days.

Even seven days can pass after wisdom teeth removal before tooth discomfort subsides. Typically, only serious situations involve this. However, anyone may continue to have pain and swelling at this point.

Emergency Wisdom Tooth Removal Aftercare

The majority of the discomfort you experience after the operation is manageable, but you must be careful and attentive when doing so. Along with the swelling, bleeding is typical and should stop after a week. Call your dentist if you don’t.

An excellent tool for reducing edema is an ice pack. In the days following surgery, wrap it in a towel and place it against your cheek or jaw.

After surgery, limit your diet to soft, simple foods for about three days. Food that crunches, has sharp edges, or is hard to remove can all get stuck in the extraction site. Infection will occur from this.

The best options are soups, smoothies, and soft cheese. However, make sure they’re not too hot or chilly and are instead at a comfortable temperature.

For pain management, your dentist may prescribe painkillers. They are extremely rare, though, because they can lead to addiction.

To prevent infection, you should take any prescription medicines. Make sure you finish the course in its entirety. To maintain the cleanliness of the mouth and extraction cavity, you can also periodically rinse your mouth with warm, saltwater.


Complications of delaying emergency wisdom tooth removal:

If you have impacted wisdom teeth and you delay emergency wısdom tooth removal it can lead to long-term damage, including:


Impacted wisdom teeth frequently develop infections because they are challenging to clean. Food particles and bacteria that are left behind could affect your teeth or gums (dental abscess).


Your teeth may shift if your wisdom teeth rub up against them. They might fill up or go wonky. This could impair your orthodontic treatment, including braces or clear aligners, or lead to the need for additional care.

Tooth damage

A tooth could shatter if a wisdom tooth presses up against another tooth. If the tooth being pressed has a root canal or a sizable filling, your risk of injury is increased.

Tooth decay

Cleaning wisdom teeth can be challenging, especially if they have just partially erupted. They make confined places that are challenging to clean with floss or a toothbrush. Tooth decay could result from this.

Gum disease

Impacted wisdom teeth may potentially cause gingivitis or periodontal disease.


Cysts that form around the crown of untreated impacted wisdom teeth can cause dental issues for the nearby teeth and bone.

Article writer

This article was written by Hashem Khdour, Medical Doctor and the founder of Medicogenic medicine learning & health website