Lasik Eye Surgery vs. UltraLasik: Key to light or fake promotion?

What is Lasik eye Surgery?

Nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism can all be treated by LASIK eye surgery. With a laser or a tool known as a microkeratome, a very thin flap is made in the cornea’s center during LASIK. 

A little piece of corneal tissue behind the flap is vaporized by computer-controlled bursts of intensely focused ultraviolet light from an excimer laser, which reshapes the cornea. After that, the flap is repositioned so that it can recover over a few days.

Lasik eye surgery

The goal of Lasik eye surgery

LASIK eye surgery aims to lessen a patient’s reliance on glasses or contact lenses. Before opting for such a procedure, people should carefully consider their own needs and expectations, as well as the risks and benefits, and should have a thorough discussion with an ophthalmologist (a medical doctor who specializes in the evaluation and treatment [surgical and nonsurgical] of eye disorders).

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What to expect after LASIK surgery?

Little discomfort is felt both during and after LASIK eye surgery. Many people are able to return to work within one to three days as their vision quickly improves.

Possible complications of LASIK

Complications include possible flap-related problems and long-term thinning and bulging of the cornea (ectasia). If a flap problem develops during surgery, the LASIK eye surgery is stopped but sometimes may be tried again after about 6 months.

 Another flap problem is a flap dislocation, which usually occurs after a severe eye injury and causes blurry vision. This problem can often be fixed with immediate treatment. Very rarely, flap problems develop when, for example, a flap heals with ridges and causes blurring or star bursts or halos. If these flap problems cannot be corrected, they can permanently impair function (such as driving at night) unless a rigid contact lens is used.

Ectasia can cause blurring, increased nearsightedness, and irregular astigmatism. Other complications include severe, intermittent blurring resulting from dry eyes and, rarely, vision-threatening infection or inflammation of the cornea.


Conditions which prevent you from undergoing LASIK

People who have any conditions that prevent them from having refractive surgery, as well as those who have thin corneas or a loose corneal surface layer, may not be good candidates for LASIK.

Now lets get into the intresting part..


What makes Ultralasik Special?

 in ultra Lasik, the laser creates an ultra-thin corneal flap. This allows the surgeon to place the flap at the most ideal position for best results. It is much thinner and precise than conventional Lasik procedures. Reducing recovery time and complications.

According to your general health condition, your eye examination, your corneal thickness, your corneal epithelium, the extent of your refractive error and your daily activities. your doctor will determine which procedure can help you the most.

What specialists say about ultralasik?

 according to many resources. Ultra lasik is a surgical technique superior to Lasik where a very thin corneal flap (100 µm) is created and reshaped for each patient using an optimized excimer laser software to correct for short sight, astigmatism, long sight and presbyopia.

Article writer

This article was written by Hashem Khdour, Medical Doctor and the founder of Medicogenic medicine learning & health website